Gift Ideas For Your Favorite Drummer

It’s the day before xmas and you have NO IDEA what to get for your FAVORITE DRUMMER! No need to fret. We put together this short list of the perfect gifts to lay under that Christmas tree and really show your loved one that you know them. We categorized the gifts into 3 sections: Things she’ll love that you can make her or get her for under $10 ($), things she’ll love that you can buy her and won’t break your bank ($$), things she’ll really love and use while you are working a few extra shifts ($$$).

$ – Things she’ll love that you can make her or are around 10 bucks

  • A gift certificate for a personal roadie (you!) for a certain number of gigs
  • If she has an iPhone you can download some sweet drummer Apps for her as a surprise. Some good ones we recommend are: Tempo (metronome), Drum Meister (virtual drumset), Rain Stick (virtual percussion), Subdivide, or i808 drum machine.
  • Find out what size and brand drumstick she loves and uses and buy her an extra set. Always handy and very thoughtful
  • A drum key! Practical and sweet. And super cheap.
  • Mix Sticks – these are cooking spoons with sticks for the handle side.
  • Little percussion toys. It is so fun to give a banana shaker and don’t forget maracas. Or head out to a real African shop and get her some incredible hand drum or drum accessory
  • Hand “stress-balls” and other little exercise devices for healthy hand grip

$$ – Things that you can buy her and not break your bank

  • Gift certificates to her favorite drum shop or music store
  • If she’s into fitness, buy her some yoga or kickboxing classes
  • Cases and bags for her drums, cymbals, or sticks if you’ve noticed she doesn’t have any. (Golf bags can work great for stands, search second hand shops for a colorful vintage carrier or more legit hardware companies like gator cases)
  • Electronic drumsticks. These sticks make you a for real air drummer.
  • The D.I.Y. Guide to Drums by Lisa Ann Schonberg. This instructional book gives you the basics of playing drums in a really personal and unassuming way. Give a gift that helps two female drummers at once. Comes with a cd.

$$$ – Things she will REALLY love that you may need to work an extra shift or two to pay off but it will be worth it. We promise.

  • Musicians Earplugs– these are hi-tech and guaranteed to save her hearing just a bit. If you plan on growing old with this loved one you can think of it as an investment for the two of you.
  • Custom made District Drum Company snare drum by one of the only female snare builders in the US. This gift will run you anywhere from $300 and up. WORTH IT!

If this list was not enough check out this site with tons of drummer gift ideas.


List compiled by Sage Roselius, Rebecca DeRosa and Mindy Abovitz

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