Lucy Peart: Hi Hat Girl

Lucy Peart Best Girl Drummer Brazil Tom Tom Magazine

I’ve been following the career of Lucy Peart since 2005.  Among the band Punkake, Peart is earning her place in the Brazilian musical scenery. Punkake recorded its first album in 2009 and the videoclip, “Tão Sexy”, has more than 50.000 views on YouTube.

Hi-Hat Girls: Lucy, where are you from?
Lucy Peart: I’m Brazilian from Curitiba

When did you start playing drums? Why?
My favorite instrument in a band was always the drums and as I’ve always been hyperactive I decided to mix business with pleasure starting classes in mid-2005.

What are your main influences?
Difficult question! Before I name them I would like to explain that, in my drummer conception, what makes me like a musician do not involve only technique and status but her/his feeling playing and writing drum lines for songs. Following that thinking, one of the main drummers that influences me lately is Taylor Hawkings from Foo Fighters, besides the masters, Neil Peart and Buddy Rich!

Lucy Peart Best Girl Drummer Brazil Tom Tom Magazine

Do you have a study routine? If so, tell us about it.
Yes! There’s no way to not study! Every week I organize my agenda and sort out at least 12 hours weekly to study rudiments and improve techniques! Of course I wish I had more time for that but that’s what I can do for now!

Which other activities do you do? Does it influence in your activity as a drummer? How?
I’m a Fashion Designer which does not influence directly and not even make things difficult.

What would you recommend for beginners drummers?
Wow! What I always say is study a lot!

Being a female drummer have ever brought you to complicated situations? If so, tell us about it.
Well, some annoying situations had happened related to prejudice from the male audience. Such as “wow, even being a girl (on drums) it sounds good,” totally senseless!

Lucy Peart Best Girl Drummer Brazil Tom Tom Magazine

You already have experience in studio recording. How was the process of writing the drum lines you recorded with Punkake?
Well, in “Tão Sexy” album most part of the songs came to me with a melodic initial idea. From that, I started writing the drums which, for this album, we’ve tried to “sync” with the guitar accent. It’s kind of a feeling thing. We play together and let it flow until that moment when everybody agree – “that’s the beat!”

Sponsorship is a dream for most of musicians. How does the opportunities of sponsorship or endorsement appeared to you? Which brands sponsors you?
Oh yes. In this moment I have Roland endorsement and another excellent brand which I can’t tell you the name for now! You’ll know soon! The opportunities to be part of the casting for both brands appeared simply with showing my work. For example, on “Girls On Drums 1” event I was invited to be part of Roland endorsees. The brands need a media feedback from the artist. So it’s up to us to take advantage from the opportunities that shows up!

Being a female drummer is…
Is breaking rules, have attitude. Is show to everyone that we can be exactly what we are!

By Bel Gabiatti for Hi-Hat Girls 

Translation By Carol Pasquali

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