It was noon, It was summer and a bunch of little girls and teens were attentively staring at the stage in front of them despite the heat. On stage, a Lima favorite all female band called Las Tetris, were captivating the ears of the new generation of female rockers with their bouncy vibes and cute-yet-witty lyrics, filling their tiny audience with inspiration to rock their own show. I was sitting there to witness it all. The incredible energy of a band who rocks and a presence that was built upon the pillars of rhythm; the contagious and innovative beat making of their drummer Angiela Fiorella was unforgettable. It was evident that I was to become a fan of her drumming from then on. Flash forward a few months I am here to witness another stellar performance, but this time around, she is sitting on the drum throne playing now a sold out show at the Estadio Monumental; the biggest Stadium Arena Stage in Lima, drumming her soul out with Area 7 as the opening act for Guns n Roses. So much has gone on since that summer afternoon when I first saw her play, so I decided to ambush her with some questions about what it’s like to be a rising drummer in the Lima music scene.
Nombre/Name : Angiela Fiorella Carranza Valenzuela
Edad/ Age: 28 years old
Bandas en las que toca/ Bands : Los Terapeutas del Ritmo – Las Chicas del Sol – Área 7 – Las Tetris – El Diario de Soma
Drum Kit Setup: Ludwig Accent CS Custom – Cymbals: Paiste PST7 14″ 18″ 20″ for rock / 16″ for cumbia / Roland SPDSX
Timbales LP Matador – Piccolo Snare Remofor Folk Cumbia.
Baquetas / Sticks : ProMark TX5BW – TX5AW / VicFirth 2B – 5A – 7A
Baterista preferido / Dum Hero: Thomas Lang
Cuando empezaste a tocar bateria y que te inspiro a empezar? When did you start drumming and what make you decide you wanted to play drums?
– A los 15 años de casualidad unos amigos me invitaron a un ensayo, su baterista había dejado la banda semanas antes y por alguna razón querían que yo sea la nueva baterista sin haber tocado alguna vez en mi vida.
-When I was 15 years old, some friends invited me over to their band practice very casually. Their drummer had quit their band a few weeks before, and for some reason my friends wanted me to be the new drummer even knowing that I hadn’t played drums ever before.
Cuentanos acerca de tus proyectos musicales, Como llegaste a donde estas ahora? Tell us about your projects! How did you get where you are now?

-Empecé tocando rock y metal por un promedio de 3 o 4 años hasta que la banda en que tocaba~Minerva~ llego a su fin y con una ex-integrante, un productor y mi gran amiga Claudia Castillo decidimos formar un nuevo grupo más comercial, y así nace Las Tetris, banda Indie Pop. Mientras todo esto sucedía yo estaba estudiando música en la Escuela Nacional de Folklore, donde formé parte del elenco femenino Yawary (Folk), lo que me abrió paso a integrar el grupo La Chicas Del Sol (Folk Cumbia). Después de muchos años tocando solo en bandas femeninas, en el 2016 formo parte del nuevo proyecto El Diario de Soma (Indie Rock) y de Los Terapeutas del Ritmo, grupo muy particular con un innovador estilo llamado “Cumbia Brichera”. Ambos grupos mixtos que me dan nuevas y alocadas experiencias. Recientemente fui llamada a formar parte de la banda de Rock Pesado Área 7, y con ellas tuve la gran experiencia de abrir el concierto de los Guns N’ Roses en Perú.
-I started playing Rock and Metal and I did that for about 3 or 4 years until the band I was playing with; called Minerva – ended. An ex-bandmate, a producer, my dear friend Claudia Castillo and I decided to start a more “commercial” group and that’s how my current band “Las Tetris” came about. In the midst of all that I was studying music at the Escuela Nacional de Folklore (Peruvian National Folklore University) where I was part of an all female folk band that would later become the Folk Cumbia band “Chicas del Sol”. After being part of only female ensembles for years, this year 2016 I began to play for 2 co-ed groups, El Diario de Soma and Los Terapeutas del Ritmo (This band is very peculiar as they are pioneers in a style called “Cumbia Brichera”! so fun!) Both groups have provided me with new and crazy adventures! Just recently I was called to join the heavy metal band called Area 7 in which I had the amazing experience to open for Guns n’ Roses.

Cual seria la banda companhera de tour de tus sueños? Who would be your dream Tour mate?
-Me encantaría ir de gira con Haim, definitivamente es una de mis bandas recientes favoritas y que me ha influenciado no solo en aspectos musicales, si no también en lo visual. Me encanta todo lo que transmiten en el escenario y de alguna forma identifico a mi banda con ellas.
-I would definitely love to go on tour with Haim, they are one of my favorite bands and they have influenced me not only imusically, but also visually. I love everything they are about and I identify my band Las Tetris with them a lot!
Cuales son algunas cosas que super necesitas cuando vas de tour? What are some tour must-haves?
-Para la batería duct tape y alicate son básicos, me salvan de cualquier emergencia.
-For my drumset duct tape and a wrench are basics. They save me from all emergencies.

Cuentanos acerca de tu experiencia abriendo para Guns n Roses!! Como te fue? Tell us about your experience opening for Guns n Roses! How was it?
-Tener la oportunidad de abrir a los Guns n’ Roses fue totalmente inesperado, me enteré 4 días antes del Show, recientemente estaba integrando Área 7 y ellas tampoco lo esperaban, la noticia nos agarro de sorpresa así que le metimos tres días de buen ensayo y salimos al ruedo. Este ha sido el Show más grande de mi carrera y más intenso por la magnitud del plato de fondo, realmente toda una terapia emocional, como para ya no temerle a nada.
-Getting to open for Guns n Roses was completely unexpected, I found out four days before the show. I had just started drumming for Area 7 and they weren’t expecting that gig either. The news got us by surprise so we practiced non-stop for 3 days and then rocked the show. This was the biggest show I have played so far (which was at the Estadio Monumental; one of the biggest Arena venues in Lima)and the most intense because of the caliber of the headliner. This was really emotional therapy, it feels like I can’t be afraid of anything anymore.

Sabemos que fuiste voluntaria en el primer Campamento de Rock en Peru, Warmi Rock Camp! Como te enteraste y que sientes de ser parte de ello? | We know you volunteered at the very First Rock Camp for Girls in Peru; Warmi Rock Camp. How did you learn about it and what was it like to be part of it?
-Mi experiencia en el Warmi Rock Camp fue muy linda, me enteré por una amiga, pensé ir con ella pero nunca llegó, así que entré sola. En la primera reunión ya me estaba arrepintiendo porque además de no conocer a alguien entré en pánico al saber que teníamos solo una semana para preparar desde cero a niñas para que formen sus propias bandas. Después de casi salir huyendo entendí lo divertido que era y todo lo que también aprendería yo en este campamento, además que tuve el agrado de conocer a las chicas del equipo, todas muy talentosas y agradables. Definitivamente me apunto a la siguiente edición.
-My experience was amazing! I found out about it through a friend , we were going to volunteer together, but she never came. When I went to the first meeting I was afraid and almost quit out of panic, especially when I found out that we only had 1 week to prepare the girls to perform with their bands. But regardless of the fear, in the middle of it I understood how fun it was and all I was learning at camp. Not only that, but I had the privilege to meet so many talented and amazing women. I am definitely down next year!
Alguna vez has sentido que te toman menos en serio por que eres musico mujer? Have you ever felt like you are taken less seriously because you are a female musician?
-Durante muchos años quise mantenerme solo en grupos de chicas por algunas experiencias desagradable e incomodas en bandas con chicos, al ser novata me daba cuenta que muchas veces me llamaban a grupos no porque sabía o no tocar, si no porque querían algo más, entonces decidí apartarme de este tipo de bandas. En la actualidad ya no tengo estos problemas porque todo se maneja de manera profesional.
-For many years I only wanted to play in all female bands because of bad experiences in bands with men. When I was a new drummer I realized that people would call me not because I was good at my instrument but because they had other intentions with me. Now that I am more experience, I thankfully no longer have those problems, and deal with them in a professional way.
Que consejo le puedes dar a una chica que quiere aprender a tocar la bateria? What advice can you give to a new grrl drummer?
-No existen parámetros ni barreras, mientras exista el deseo de hacer música uno puede aprender o inventar sus propias bases rítmicas. Todos podemos tocar todo sin limitaciones. Así que a darle!
-There are no parameters or barriers if there is a desire to make music. One can learn or invent their own rhythmic bases. We can all play without limitations, so just hit it!
Angiela and Las Tetris are working on a new album which will be released very very soon! Check out their entire discography on their bandcamp account! Also peek into the psychecdlic world of Los Terapeutas del Ritmo via their YouTube Channel.