Drummer of the Week: Caitlin Kalafus of Kicking Daisies

Last week we featured a ninety-one year old drummer full of life and soul that has had an amazing career of drumming. This week, we would like to introduce you to a 4-piece band with a combined age of only fifty-five years.






Kicking Daisies, features fourteen year old frontman Duran Visek, twelve year old Ben Spremulli on lead guitar, thirteen year old Carly Kalafus on bass, and sitting at the skins is sixteen year old Caitlin Kalafus who, in 2007, won a world record for fastest female drummer in the feet division with 799 bass kicks in 60 seconds and still holds it.














Check out this video of Caitlin jamming out in the basement.







Kicking Daisies are rehersing and recording right now and their debut album is expected to be out this summer. In the meantime, check out their MySpace for some of their tracks.


Their sound is raw, and pure, and extremely talented. I for one am anxiously awaiting the album especially since most of their songs are penned by themselves. There is no doubt this is a good formula for success.














Alex Carulo

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1 Comment

  1. This band is for real! I am a drummer myself (30 years) & Caitlin from Kicking Daisies works the skins like a pro. Her stage presence & excellent background harmonies with her sister make the band absolutely unique. Their CD will rock your socks off, but seeing them live will make you an instant fan.

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